Some emotional rides of buying Harry Styles Tickets

Published Date   17th Jun. 2017, 04:24 am Binesh Shrestha
Some emotional rides of buying Harry Styles Tickets

We know how exciting it can get to know that a Harry Styles tour is coming up. To buy the ticket become equally exciting but tiring at times! Let us decipher some of the emotional roller coasters rides of buying Harry Styles Tickets!

Feeling miserable after knowing that you missed getting the tickets the first time around. At this point, you’d easily wish harm to the people who got them!

Sky-high delight in knowing that Harry Styles has just added additional tour dates. Oh! It most definitely feels like a god-gifted second chance!

The fright that the concert venue might be smaller than the original tour!

To realize that it is a stadium tour is to feel free of all the previous anxiety.

Waiting for the on-sale date to arrive with all your nerves quenching the thirst, of course, drains you out. Anxious and tired.

Red hot flaming rage at the Ticketmaster to know about the Verified Fan program. Sounds like some personal attack!


The rage turns into a horror when you realize that you might just be as unlucky as the time you did not get the first tickets and not get the Verified Fan code! What do I do now? How do I verify? Do I get a tattoo of Harry?

Preparations for the code. Walking back and forth, biting nails, planning the plots, logging into Ticketmaster account, and finally letting loose of your insanity! Oh look, there it goes!

Anger, rage, screams and more at the knowledge that the tickets have been sold out. What? How? This quick? But, it’s only been a millisecond! HOW?

Withdrawal and denial that there might still be a single ticket left for you! You mean I can’t sit with your befriend? No place for a group of TWO?

Taking it in and accepting that you’ll just have to sit alone in a corner without your concert buddy to share the joy of watching Harry Styles sing! Ok, I can be brave, I don’t need anyone!

To be so consumed at the ticket buying affair that you get annoyed while someone texts you. How did you have the guts to? How?

Being grateful to the almighty lord when you get informed that the Ticketmaster has added another date!

Reflecting upon your life and praising the almighty Lord!

Satisfaction and tranquility as you look forwards to the concert!

Instead of whimpering and running wild thoughts through your brain, just go and have the time of your life!

#Harry Styles Biography

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