Cher- scandals and secrets over the years

Published Date   11th May. 2017, 05:46 am Binesh Shrestha
Cher- scandals and secrets over the years

The age-defying beauty, Cher has been the candy of everyone’s eye for her exceptional singing and acting career. But in the recent years, she has started to shed some deep secrets that she held. The reason might be her degrading health and the fear of succumbing to death! We are about to “Cher” some of her deep dark secrets, and we hope you get the pun!

One of the biggest news in 2008 related to Cher was one of her deepest secrets that had been lying inside her for more than a decade. N 2008, Cher revealed that she was in an affair with the dashing and famous, Tom cruise back in 1980s. You might be wondering what the big fuss is? Well back in the 80s, she was 39 years old and Cruise was 23! Yes, the grave age difference was not only a shocking factor back then but the thought that these very unlikely celebs were dating each other behind the curtains seems very strange and shocking!  We wonder how this might have affected Cruise and his family in 2008!

We might look and Cher and envy her age-defying looks. But more recently in 2017, there were revelations that she had undergone plastic surgery! And that is exactly where all of Cher’s beauty hacks and secrets go to the bin. The rumor has been tried to hush away but it is out there for grab in many social media sites. Cher later came clean about her plastic surgery.

A not so pleasing secret that she had kept hidden was how she and Warner bros. Record stole an innovative typeface of a man who trademarked it in 2011. Not it is coming to bite her in the back with $ 5 million lawsuits. As her medical bills have been rising each day, this might turn her broke right before her grave!

Taking about Cher and her money, she has been indulged in a lot of bad investments and a lawsuit over the time. she tried to keep it hidden that she had been defrauded by SAIL Venture, a financial investment firm out of $1.3 million. SaIL Ventures asked for the lawsuit to be overthrown and for Cher to pay their legal fees. Cher might be in some actual legal trouble right now! And not to forget how she has a tainted relationship with her son, she might have to spend the last years in loneliness and financial disaster!


Feb 8, 2017 ?

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