Yoga-Your Key to Better Health

Published Date   15th Dec. 2016, 15:08 pm  Update Date: July 19th, 2018  05:56 pm superbhub
Yoga-Your Key to Better Health

Why is yoga your key to better health? We all known that yoga has been around for thousands of years and exercise experts as well as saints swear by its positive effects. While we all might have relentlessly heard about the positive effects of yoga for a better health, we must know why and how Yoga generates well-being and good health.

Yoga evolved by hermits and saints in order to achieve harmony and salvation. Today, however, the role of yoga has reversed as it is used for the attainment of an emotional and physical challenge. Yoga has several benefits and the best part about this form of exercise is that it can be practiced anywhere at any time! What are the benefits of this truly blissful form of exercise? Read on to find out.

  1. Yoga is a natural pain killer

Yoga is your key to better health. And what is more important for a healthy lifestyle, more than a medicine to relieve pain in the body. Yoga is a form of a natural and drug-free painkiller. Severe back pain, spinal cord pain, tightening of muscles etc. are issues that every working person has to deal with every day. Sitting for hours, in front of a computer all day, surely has its side effects. With Yoga, yo can relax your aching muscles, lubricate your joints, make your body flexible and relieve pain from the body.

  1. Increases flexibility and strength

Yogic exercises have been created to affect particular body areas. Yogic asanas usually include stretching the body. Stretching the body increases the tone of the muscle. It also makes the body more flexible and strengthens your joints. By enhancing your range of motion, Yoga directly increases strength and flexibility so you can tackle your daily problems in the most effective manner possible.

Yogic asanas usually include stretching the body
Yogic asanas usually include stretching the body
  1. Chronic diseases? No problem

Another key positive effect of Yoga is the elimination of chronic diseases. Yoga asanas have been tried and tested for several years and have been strategically created to give powerful results. Yogic asanas accelerate body parts and cause the release of several hormones and enzymes required to regulate the body, specific asanas have been found effective to get rid of chronic diseases like hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders high blood pressure etc.

  1. Weight Loss

Almost half of the world’s population is in an attempt to lose weight. What better way to do so that to do Yoga. It is one of the best methods to induce natural weight loss. Yoga increases metabolism, thus helping you lose excess weight with ease.

  1. Lubricate your joints

The tendons, joints, and ligaments of your body requires timely strengthening and exercise, Yoga asanas help a great deal in lubricating the joints of your hand and legs, to increases flexibility. Yoga is probably is the only form of exercise that works both on the outer and inner parts of your body.

  1. Breathing issues? 

Controlled breathing pranayama and asanas are there to help regulate your breathing problems. Slow exhaling, long pause and deep breathing caters to breathing related problems. Sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis can be taken care of, using Yoga.

  1. Mental Disorders are alleviated

A Stress reliever, Yoga helps eliminate mental disorders. Doing yoga on a daily basis helps the allegations from fear, anxiety, and depression. Peace and comfort are almost analogous to Yoga. These exercises also strengthen your nervous system and enhance self-confidence with ease.

Yoga For Babies And Toddlers
Yoga For Babies And Toddlers
  1. Enhanced memory

Yoga is the only form of exercise that helps better your memory. It works equally for people of all ages. The blood circulation to the brain is accelerated by the Yoga asanas. Also, most Yoga asanas require a higher concentration power, thus making your mind relaxed, peaceful and more susceptible to storing memories and new ideas. Yoga certainly is your key to better health.

  1. Detoxify your body

Detox requires spending thousands of dollars. Yoga is a natural detoxifier. With the food products we eat every day, our body is susceptible to the consumption and storage of several toxins in the body, which needs to be removed from the body. Yoga can help eradicate body toxins in a natural way. Different breathing techniques and body postures have been tried and tested, particularly to eliminate the problems from your body. Yoga is analogous to staying healthy and refreshed and is the best for body detoxification.

Detox your body
  1. Anti-aging

The last but one of the most important health benefits of yoga is the property of anti-aging. Strengthened muscles, good blood circulation, and a flexible body are all signs of good health, well-being, and young age. With yoga, you can easily make your body look more youthful than peers your age and with a healthy mind, you will also feel younger at heart.

Yoga is your key to good health. The new way to live a healthy life, do it correctly and you will experience a number of key changes in your body, worth all the effort.

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