Living in the digital era comes with lots of perks, yet there also are drawbacks that can’t be ignored. Most jobs involve sitting in front of a laptop, computer for hours. Add the tiredness you acquire while working to all that and you may end up with the perfect recipe for a sedentary life.
It’s true that with a hectic lifestyle and the sensation that 24 hours a day are not enough to cover the ever-growing demands of today’s society, you can hardly find time for sports activities, workouts, yoga sessions, or other such hobbies that will get you in motion.
Here is a short list to remind you why being active impacts your mental and physical health in many positive ways and gives you that extra bit of motivation to make physical exercise a regular activity.
There are many benefits associated with regular exercising, yet the greatest of them are regarding your health. The lack of physical exercise is known to lead to chronic diseases. On the contrary, regular workouts will help you reduce the risk of developing a variety of health problems including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke, metabolic syndrome, arthritis as well as anxiety and depression.
Physical exercising is a good HDL cholesterol booster. Moreover, it reduces unhealthy triglycerides. These two benefits will help you reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. What’s more, exercising on a regular basis will also help you improve insulin sensitivity and maintain healthy cardiovascular fitness.
One of the main reasons why many people resort to sports and physical exercises is to either lose weight or prevent fats from building up. Regular trips to the gym, running or jogging sessions, and other such activities will help you increase your metabolic rate, which means you will get to lose more calories and thus rid of the extra pounds you may have.
Not to mention that by exercising you will lose weight but you will also shape your body and maintain muscle mass. Plus, regular physical activities will also strengthen your bones and may even help you prevent osteoporosis.
Sleep problems have different causes ranging from not covering your nutritional needs to health problems or bad habits such as alcohol drinking. Several studies have reached the same conclusion regarding the sleep-related benefits of regular physical exercises.
They all point to the fact that sports activities will help one improve sleep quality. Don’t exercise before bedtime, though, as you might be too energized to fall asleep.
On top of everything we’ve mentioned so far, there is the mood improvement many people who exercise regularly enjoy. When you are active, there are chemical changes in your brain that will help you manage anxiety and depression better. Furthermore, you are more likely to produce endorphins when you exercise and that further improves your mental health.
As we’ve said before, the time we have at disposal for leisure activities may be significantly reduced at times. That’s why regular exercising with a friend or family member will help you stay fit and catch up. Outdoor sports and activities are a great opportunity to spend time with the people you love.
You can thus cover both your social and exercising-related needs. If you’re into fishing a lot, for example, purchasing lightweight canoe for fishing and planning a fishing session that will require you to row and enable you to spend time with a close person might be the next thing to do.
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